Vajacial & Yoni Steam

Gentle Vajacial


This is a small 30-40 minute facial for your bikini area immediately after your hair removal appointment! This cleanses, hydrates, rejuvenates and prevents ingrown hairs and bumps from growing!

*this service can be done right after a wax or sugar hair removal and can be added on at any time*



This is a special treatment as a facial for your bikini area! It cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, hydrates, steams, and rejuvenates the area to give brighter, healthier complexion! This helps with your ingrown hairs and dark spots! Recommended twice a month for two months, then once a month every two months.

*This service has to be done at least 3 days after a wax. A wax irritates your pores and they must calm before being able to exfoliate*

*Yoni Steam


This is an ancient proven way of vaginal steaming to cleanse your uterus, cervix, and inner intestines from gunk with natural herbs and remedies!

*This service cannot be done within 3 days before or after your waxing appointment. The steam softens your skin, and can affect your waxing experience.*

Butt Facial


A facial for the buttocks area to help with calming down breakouts, irritation, marks, and much more! Were we can cleanse and exfoliate you and extract any pimples from there!